The Planet Keto Blog

  • Year in Review: Health Wins for 2022

    A sampling of the many health achievements across our global keto community
  • Holiday Strategies for Keto People

    Fresh ideas for navigating the year-end holidays, from the Senza coaches and a few special guests
  • Keto & Chronic Kidney Disease

    Guest post: Special considerations if your kidneys are compromised but you want to try, or continue with, keto 
  • Keto Lifestyle Milestones

    How many of these keto milestone magnets have you collected so far?
  • 11 Ways to Help a Friend Go Keto

    From the Senza coaching team, our best ideas for supporting someone else who’s curious about keto
  • Guide to Problematic Ingredients

    What to watch out for in the foods you buy for keto Many foods can “fit your macros” for keto, but only some contain the essential micronutrients y...
  • Coaches' Corner: Meet Kim!

    Kim is a true keto ambassador who discovered this way of getting healthy around the same time that Senza debuted in the app store. 
  • 5 Years of Senza

    Looking back, and ahead at the Senza app for keto and fasting
  • Is Your Target Weight Realistic?

    How to set health goals that you are likely to achieve

  • Ayuda en Español

    Preguntas más frecuentas para el principiante keto
  • Nutritionists, Coaches, Chefs and More!

    Senza has worked closely with experienced practitioners from day one. Reach out to them for 1-1 health coaching services delivered with the Senza app.
  • Meet Our Team

    Senza's keto coaches are here to guide the way to a healthier you!